Table 1 below contains definitions of abbreviations and acronyms used in this IDEA tool. Table 2 contains definitions of the four subgrade strength categories used in the PCN results presented for selected airports.
Table 1. Summary of Acronyms and Definitions. Acronym | Definition |
AAC | Asphalt over Asphalt Concrete |
AC | Asphalt Concrete |
ACN | Aircraft Classification Number |
AGG | Aggregate |
APC | Asphalt over Portland Cement Concrete |
ASR | Alkali-Silica Reactvity |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
BIT | Bituminous |
CL | Class |
CTB | Cement Treated Base |
CTS | Cold Tar Seal |
EST | Estimate |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FOD | Foreign Object Debris |
FT | Linear Foot |
HBP | Hot Bituminous Paving |
HMA | Hot-Mix Asphalt |
HMBP | Hot Mix Bituminous Pavement |
IDEA | Interactive Data Exchange Application |
L&T Cracking | Longitudinal and Transverse Cracking |
LBS | Pounds |
LTB | Lime Treated Base |
M&R | Maintenance and Rehabilitation |
MTOW | Maximum Takeoff Weight |
NPIAS | National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems |
PCC | Portland Cement Concrete |
PCI | Pavement Condition Index |
PCN | Pavement Classification Number |
PDC | Pavement Dressing Conditioner |
PFC | Porous Friction Course |
PMBP | Plant-Mix Bituminous Pavement |
PSI | Pounds per Square Inch |
RCF | Repairing Crack Fill |
RCS | Rubberized Crack Seal |
SF | Square Foot |
SQFT | Square Foot |
STAB/STB | Stabilized |
STD | Standard |
YRS | Years |
Table 2. Definitions of PCN Subgrade Strength Categories. Subgrade Strength Category | Definition |
A | High (k-value >= 442 psi/in OR CBR >= 13) |
B | Medium (221 psi/in < k-value <= 442 psi/in OR 8 < CBR <= 13) |
C | Low (92 psi/in < k-value <= 221 psi/in OR 4 < CBR <= 8) |
D | Ultra Low (k-value <= 92 psi/in OR CBR <= 4) |